Golden Horizon is committed to ensuring that work activities undertaken by the company, its employees and agents are performed in a healthy and safe manner.
Management, supervisors and employees of Golden Holden understand their roles and responsibility to establish a safe work environment, maintain safe work practices, provision of trained, competent and properly equipped personnel to perform tasks.
Golden Horizon will comply with ISO 9001-2008 to achieve and maintain the highest standard of health and safety by:
Provision of resources necessary to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of its own and sub-contractors employees whilst at work.
Provision and maintenance of safe plant, equipment and systems of work.
The safe use, handling, storage and transportation of materials and substances.
Provision of information, instruction, training and supervision to all employees to ensure that they properly discharge their responsibilities and duties.
Provision and maintenance of safe places at work, means of access /egress which are free from risk.
Provision and maintenance of a healthy and safe working environment for all employees.
Ensuring that others who may be affected by its operations are not exposed to health and safety risks.
Conducting its activities in compliance with the requirements of current legislation.
Continual improvement of health and safety performance and systems.
Key performance indicators and performance reviews.
Health and Safety management practices at Golden Horizon will be developed in consultation between management and employees .Where issues arise, they will be dealt with in an open, transparent and ethical manner involving employees or their nominated representatives.
To meet these goals, a revised HSE management system will be introduced that complies with ISO9001 -2008 .Going forward, we will be introducing an Integrated Management System .This includes setting objectives and targets, implementing procedures to control activities and providing training to ensure that all personnel comprehend their responsibilities and obligations.
The Directors and managers are to ensure that this policy is effectively implemented and communicated to all staff, operatives, subcontractors and suppliers .